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OnyX для macOS Catalina - отличное приложение для оптимизации macOS, тонкой настройки скрытых возможностей Finder, Dock, Safari, Dashboard, Expose, Disk Utility, очистка системного кеша и кеша приложений, просмотр различных отчетов и многое другое. Version 3.7.4:

Where does it come from?

New option: Change the background image in the login window Deleting the logs improved Deleting the system archived logs improved Emptying the Trash improved Deleting the Junk items improved Issue corrected that occurred when deleting

  • Integer vitae libero ac risus egestas placerat.
  • Fusce lobortis lorem at ipsum semper sagittis.
  • Cras ornare tristique eros elit nulla nec ante.
  • Ut aliquam sollicitudin iaculis ultricies nulla.
  • Vivamus molestie gravida turpis lobortis lorem.
  • Nam convallis pellentesque nisl commodo nulla.
OnyX 3.7.4 for macOS Catalina 10.15

Finibus Bonorum et Malorum

OnyX для macOS Catalina - отличное приложение для оптимизации macOS, тонкой настройки скрытых возможностей Finder, Dock, Safari, Dashboard, Expose, Disk Utility, очистка системного кеша и кеша приложений, просмотр различных отчетов и многое другое.

Why do we use it?

the files and folders Issue corrected that occurred when displaying the maintenance scripts logs Issue corrected that occurred when turning off the startup sound with some configurations Uninstalling optimized Help updated and improved

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