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Antivirus Zap - это комплексное решение, которое сканирует и удаляет вредоносное ПО и другое вредоносное программное обеспечение с вашего Mac. Он обнаруживает угрозы или подозрительные файлы, которые уже находятся на вашем Mac, и защищает вас от раскрытия в будущем.Features: Detects and Removes malware and viruses to safeguard your Mac Quick Scan: Checks the most likely locations for malware and adware Depending on the number of files, the scan takes about 5-15 minutes to complete Normal Scan: Checks an extended list of most likely locations including Applications, Downloads, Desktop, Mail Download etc. folders Depending on the number

Where does it come from?

of files, the scan takes about an hour or more to complete Full scan: Comprehensive scan that checks the whole system. Depending on the number of files, it takes an hour or more to complete, ideal for an overnight scan Custom scan: Select any specific files or folders to scan Perfect for suspicious files, folders and USB drives Scan + Browser Restore: Same as the Quick Scan and also restores internet browsers by removing extensions, cookies and caches Depending on the number of files, the scan takes about 10-30 minutes to complete Scans all applications and

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Antivirus Zap Pro

Finibus Bonorum et Malorum

Antivirus Zap - это комплексное решение, которое сканирует и удаляет вредоносное ПО и другое вредоносное программное обеспечение с вашего Mac. Он обнаруживает угрозы или подозрительные файлы, которые уже находятся на вашем Mac, и защищает вас от раскрытия в будущем.

Why do we use it?

processes currently in the memory Scans all programs that start automatically by the system Detects not only macOS but also Windows and Linux threats. You can scan Windows bootcamp, external and network drives for malware. Option to exclude certain file types which are unlikely to pose a threat such as image, movie and audio files Also searches for malware in archives (zip, pkg, etc.) and inside various types of files such as pdf, pkg, zip, etc. Easy to use user interface Daily database updates Version notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

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